I’m very proud to release the first copy of a reset I’ve been working on for a while now, which is big step forward from the classic Meyer reset. I’ve been playing about with this for a while but I think now is the time to let it out on the open. Introducing, strppd.css!
This Wednesday just gone, Blog.Spoongraphics got an updated design, nearly 3 years after the previous version. Needless to say, I enjoy it, it’s very well laid out, and is very ambitious. One thing that has caught people’s attention is how it is non–responsive, it has got a lot of praise for such a bold move; since I’m such a fan of Chris Spooner it’s certainly caught my eye and has given me food for thought.
As one of the first posts on here, I wanted to cover the inspiration, ideals and reasons for the website’s current design. I’ve always been interested in abstract design, textures and vibrant designs, but eventually, I wanted to move on from that, and practice new things. Here, I’ll explain the design process as well as problem solving.
So after a lot of time chasing tails, chaos, and just all round crazy, my website is finally up! All fresh and brand new; I had decided to re–invent the site for a long while now, to make it look more professional, as well as write more professionally. I’m looking forward to its future with better writing and ideas.
In January 2012, I was approached by Janna Hagan to collaborate on her project, A Student’s Guide to Web Design, in order to provide development of a custom WordPress theme. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity as I’m a big believer of teaching others in the Industry. Janna provided the initial design, while […]
In August 2011, I was approached by Members of the Lochboisdale Amenity Trust, in need of a website. After some discussion, they seemed very open and I had a few ideas that seemed innovative, as well as keeping the design in context with the Hebridean scene. I wanted to use this opportunity for working on […]
Before the Introduction of OS X Mountain Lion’s Notification Center, I always wondered if there was an easier way to get notifications by the Official Twitter Mac Application, as all it leaves is a small Icon notification; so I carried out a few different designs to experiment with. One stuck out as a particular favourite, […]
My first real iOS Icon Design came in the form of the Mail App Icon. I designed it in July 2011 to get into Icon Design and it came by inspiration of other Mail Icon Designs, and have always been fascinated with the use of texture on Icons, as well as using certain layer styling […]
In June 2012, I was approached by Eleventh Edition for a project that was organized by Ennis & Perry, a Design agency in Australia. The requirements were to take their design and develop it into a Responsive and clean website. For this project, it was recommended we use the Skeleton Framework, and it took some […]
In mid–late 2011, I was approached by Superlever to work an Application Icon for their iOS Photography App, Snapdeck. At first, we discussed ideas of using old cameras as inspiration, and immediately, I had a few ideas of where it could go. I decided to model the Icon after classic Lomographic Photography Cameras, in particular, […]