Snapdeck Icon

In mid–late 2011, I was approached by Superlever to work an Application Icon for their iOS Photography App, Snapdeck. At first, we discussed ideas of using old cameras as inspiration, and immediately, I had a few ideas of where it could go.

I decided to model the Icon after classic Lomographic Photography Cameras, in particular, the Diana F. The Diana F is a very nice Camera Design, very minimal but it has its intricate nifty–ness to it. I also added a few twists in the inital design, such as adding the Superlever name on the lens, as well as adding a different viewfinder than the Diana. I also made use of good styling, and made use of subtleties such as the lens reflection and the texture on the Camera.

Snapdeck Icons

You can easily see the similarities to the Diana, but you can also see where it carries its own twist. I really enjoyed making this Icon and putting my iOS Icon skills in place. It was a lot of fun and I feel the Icon managed to help provide context to their project.