Items from 2013

Valuing Other Designer’s Efforts and Opinions

I’ve always been told to remain professional and sometimes hold my tongue on a lot of things, as to not let them bother me, but I feel this needs to be said. I’m really glad there are people that learn, and imrpove, in what we do, some even go to amazing levels to achieve what they do, but you sometimes find the occasional smell of ego and superiority.

In Regards to Portfolios and Presentation

It’s important to display your work if you say you’re a designer, as well as what your expertises are, and how you present yourself. When I look at other young and talented designers, I look for their portfolio, it’s an absolute essential. However, I notice there can be some cases where I the work isn’t there on show, and find it hard to take interest in someone when I can’t see their work.

Web Superheroes

I attended Speak The Web in Manchester with Jake earlier this week, and I thoroughly enjoyed the talks given that night, as well as meeting interesting and influential people in the industry. All very good fun and the talks given were brilliant, very interesting topics and creative delivery, and one in particular got me thinking.

On Creative Individuality and Trend Alienation

Defining yourself is a bit of a big deal to me, especially if you’re a designer, artist, or developer. I find the design and development world, while at a very vibrant and interesting time, to be quite stagnant as well as limited on design ideas and choices. I’m always open to new ideas and practices, but try and keep my individuality as a creative.

Hello again, Opera

Earlier this week, I was working as normal, checking emails, looking at tasks, reading tweets, as you do. One thing that did catch me out though, was that apparently, Opera Next got a decent update, so I was intrigued. After giving the update a try, it’s safe to say Opera has got me to use it again.

Getting on board with Preprocessors

SASS Preprocessor

Over the last few months, a lot of my workflow has changed and it’s certainly introduced me to new methods, as well as improve old ones. One of them was getting into CSS preprocessors, which is very useful for writing CSS in a developer-friendly way but also is helpful when working in teams and can make better CSS organisation.

Pointers for the WordPress Beginner


I’ve used Wordpress for over 4 years now, and I love it to absolute bits, but I often get questions about Wordpress, particularly at the beginner level. These include on where to start, understanding the basics of Wordpress, getting the best out of the CMS, and pointers on building themes. Here, I’ll lay out some pointers for the intermediate Wordpress developer, wanting to get into using Wordpress and getting started on Theme Development.

What I hope to achieve in 2013


At the start of the year, I think of what it could possibly bring, and what potential the year could possibly bring to my career, as well as what I want to achieve in that space of time. 2013 is no exception, and there are many things I am hopeful of achieving as well many things I hopeful of achieving over the course of the year, so I thought I’d list out some of the things I hope will happen over the course of the year.